Mr. Harajchi had planned a press conference for today, but has decided to postpone it until after next Monday’s appeal hearing against the revocation of the banking license of Suisse Security Bank and Trust, of which Mr. Harajchi is chairman. He now plans to make his announcement in about two weeks.
Mr. Harajchi told The Tribune yesterday that it would be some “very interesting news”.
When asked if the public could expect a ‘big’ announcement, Mr. Harajchi said: “What you call big and what you call small is relative. I’d prefer you hear it from CNN and BBC – it is international news. Eventually you will see me on Larry King Live.”
Some political observers have speculated that Mr. Harajchi’s revelations may be connected to his support for the PLP during the 2002 election campaign. At that time Mr. Harajchi donated millions of dollars to the party.
The current row began when the Confidential Source printed two stories to which Mr. Roberts took exception. The first regarded Mr. Roberts’ reaction to questions from a Source reporter about his private life. The second involved allegations of influence peddling, which Mr. Roberts strongly denied.
Mr. Roberts responded with a statement in the House of Assembly on Wednesday June 16, in which he called the Source ” delusional and devilish” and said that Mr. Harajchi, an Iranian, came from a “culture where you either get what you want or you string a few bombs together and throw them into a crowd.”
Mr. Harajchi said it was shameful that a government minister could say something like that in parliament.
Source: Robert Bain, The Tribune