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Burning Trash

In my neighbourhood, someone burning something is a constant annoyance, a health hazard from which I am often desiring to flee or actually fleeing.

If it is trash they’re getting rid of by burning, they’re choosing to dirty the air, the atmosphere of an entire neighbourhood to clean their yards.

Instead of awaiting the garbage truck to dispose of their garbage, they’re using my lungs – filling my lungs and the lungs of many others with the garbage from their yards.

What a selfish, stupid act.

This and the unrelenting booming noises transported about by vehicles anytime of day or night, lead me to conclude that many among us are not civilised.

And the first to take offence at the use of this harsh label are those who are most harsh, most offensive – those who make living in community most distressing – those who make the unavoidable rub against others in society most abrasive.

It is as if some were determined, with every move to rub off skin – the skin covering our bodies as well as the delicate membrane within lungs or ears or any organ via which they can journey into us.

Yes, editor, rape does seem to come in a variety of forms and has a variety of perpetrators.

Obediah Michael Smith


Letter To The Editor, The Tribune

Posted in Headlines

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