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Abaco Devastated by Hurricane Jeanne

Abaco has been extensively damaged by Hurricane Jeanne with Grand Cay being hit the hardest.

Coopers Town MP Hubert Ingraham, who flew to Abaco by helicopter Sunday morning, said “the island has been severely impacted, the beaches in particular. There is water everywhere. However, most of the water in Marsh Harbour has subsided – the drainage system works well there.”

He said many businesses also suffered. The damage to both homes and businesses, he said, was extensive, in some cases severe.”

After flying over the entire island, Mr. Ingraham made stops at Moore’s Island, Marsh Harbour and a number of other communities, which he toured by automobile. He was told there was not much damage in Guana and Green Turtle Cays.

Most communities suffered considerable roof damage and their immediate needs are sheeting or felt to help make their homes temporarily habitable, Mr. Ingraham said. This is especially true in Grand Cay where telephones and electricity lines are severely damaged and the main water tank, which was already damaged by Hurricane Frances, is leaking.

“The distribution system seems to be almost completely gone.” Mr. Ingraham said. “A number of houses were completely destroyed in Grand Cay and Fox Town,” he said. “They just crumbled with their occupants inside.” The miracle was, he said, that no one was hurt.

The citrus farm at Marsh Harbour was washed out, covered by gallons of water. In Cherokee Sound, the Bahamas Telecommunications cellular service was destroyed, cutting the island off from the rest of the world. Although all Abaco’s runways were in good shape, Marsh Harbour’s terminal was still under water as of Sunday afternoon.

Sourced from the Tribune

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