Detectives are investigating the gruesome mutilation and murder of a woman in Cat Island. Mrs. Carol Meredith, a 49-year-old American resident, was discovered by police in her own home with a slit throat on Tuesday evening.
Reports indicate that Mrs. Meredith was mutilated about her body, including her breasts and genital area, while she was still alive, before having her throat cut.
The island’s only physician described the wounds to the body as “carvings that looked like they were done with a dull knife”.
Also, under investigation is the murder of a young Bahamian man on the same night, who was shot in his home, 15 miles away. (Read more about this…)
It is believed the murders were committed by the same person.
The shocking murders have left the 1,700 residents of Cat Island in a state of confusion as they await the results of an investigation by both local and New Providence police.
The murders bring the country’s total to 29 for the year.
Mrs. Meredith and her husband Larry, were well known on Cat Island. They owned a gas station and a local convenience store.
Mr. Meredith, at the time of his wife’s murder, was not on the island. He is a pilot who operates a daily flight to and from the island. He was reported to have returned to Cat Island yesterday.
Mr. A.T. Bain, a long time Cat Island resident said, “Cat island was looking forward to future development. We can’t tell how exactly the tourists are going to take it. This is bad news for Cat island and everyone is very, very upset.”
“Mrs Meredith was a nice person who had lived here for maybe 20 years and was very friendly. Her husband was the type of person who helped people on the island.
“I have heard that there was blood all over the house and that the person who did it was all bloodied up”.
The killer is thought to have used Mr. Meredith’s shotgun to kill Mr. Hoyte after stealing the family car.
Dr. Bartlett added that the deaths of Mr. Hoyte and Mrs. Meredith have more far-reaching effects to the community than just psychological.
“They (the merediths) were pretty big people and they contributed a lot to the little economy Cat Island has,” she said.
“No other foreign investors are currently here and others looking to invest might think twice about coming.”
Source: Kilah Rolle, The Tribune