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Bahamas Fishermen Threatened By Pirates

Fishermen who complained to police about piracy off the coast of Andros have had their lives threatened, it emerged last night.

A group of Andros men turned up at Coral harbour looking for boat owner Shawn Turnquest, one of three brothers who protested about large lobster thefts.

And a crewman who works for Mr. Turnquest was threatened as he passed through Nassau International Airport on his way to Freeport.

The threats came as another raid on lobster traps near South Riding Rocks, off north-west Andros, left 37 lines pulled up and destroyed. This, according to boat owner, Collingwood Turnquest, represented a loos of more than $20,000.

Police have already questioned two ANdros men and released them on bail. But the action of the police has done nothing to stop what victims have described as “piracy on the high seas”, which has led to several boats from other islands being robbed of their valuable catches.

Mr. Turnquest told The Tribune last night, “it seems these guys think they own the sea round Andros. They abviously feel they can getaway with it.

“I don’t think the police are doing their job. They must know who these guys are, but they are not doing anything about it.”

The Tribune

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