With a hotly anticipated new CD entitled, ‘A First Christmas Album’ due in stores next week and the embers still glowing from their recent award-winning visit to China, The Bahamas National Youth Choir, directed by Mr. Cleophas R.E. Adderley, will be the featured performers at The Bahamas Children’s Emergency Hostel’s annual thanksgiving service this Sunday afternoon, 28th November.ᅠ Admission is free and donations are welcome.
The ceremony, beginning at 3 pm, will be held at the Hostel grounds on Mckinney Drive (Bamboo Shack on corner) off Carmichael Road under the patronage of The Honourable Melanie Griffin, M.P., Minister of Social Services and Community Development.
This year’s guest speaker is minister Mervin Major, youth pastor at Christ Community Church, whose message will be based on the theme, ‘Counting Our Blessings’. Among the others performances will include, a rendition by the Bethel Baptist Praise Dancers, recitals of verse by Literary Artistry and the children, plus the classical sounds of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force Orchestra.
Photo Caption: Directed by Mr. Cleophas R.E. Adderley, the world-renowned Bahamas National Youth Choir, are pictured sharing an award-winning presentation during their recent visit to China and will be the featured performers at The Bahamas Children’s Emergency Hostel’s annual thanksgiving service this Sunday, 28th November, at 3 pm.ᅠ (Photo: Donald Knowles)
Operated by Kiwanis Club of Nassau since 1969, The Bahamas Children’s Emergency Hostel is a non-profit home that provides temporary relief and shelter for orphaned, abused, and abandoned children in The Bahamas, ranging from one to eleven years of age.
Light refreshments will be served; the general public is invited to attend.ᅠ All donations benefit the children of The Bahamas Children’s Emergency Hostel. For further information, contact the Hostel’s administrator, Ms. Katie Forbes, at telephone 341-1951 or 361-4124.