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Rood Urges Bahamas To Condemn Human Rights Abuses

The American ambassador John Rood urged the Government of The Bahamas yesterday to demonstrate its intolerance for countries that infringe on cherished values and others where human rights abuses are rampant.

He was delivering the Vision speech at the popular Bahamas Business Outlook, a gathering of industry leaders, stakeholders and community builders.

Mr. Rood branded Cuba as a challenge to values that both the U.S. and The Bahamas hold dear, referring to a recently released report that concluded Cubans are systematically denied basic rights to free expression, association, assembly, privacy, movement and due process of law.

“I would hope that a country such as The Bahamas, which so deeply cherishes free expression, free movement, and due process, would not hesitate to convey to the Government of Cuba its belief in these fundamental values,” he said.

The U.S. blockade against the communist country lead by Fidel Castro and Cuba’s consistent campaign against it are no secret.

Mr. Rood named strengthening democracy, the rule of law and human rights as the apex of his vision for enhanced relations between The Bahamas and the U.S.

Also, the American envoy recounted how this year, the United Nations Third Committee condemned the governments of Iran, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Burma, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo because of human rights abuses.

But, he said, even as a majority of countries united to spotlight human rights abuses, The Bahamas and other countries in the region “stood in the shadows” taking the position that it was inappropriate to vote on any country-specific resolution.

Mr. Rood said in the case of Sudan, a country whose forces are responsible for killings, disappearances, arbitrary arrests, tortures, and rapes, five votes were all that were needed to consider their human rights record.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines was the only Caribbean country that supported the resolution.

“It is my hope that the Bahamas will reexamine this position and stand with those oppressed around the world,” Mr. Rood urged.

Additionally, he suggested that it will be essential in the years ahead for CARICOM countries to maintain a forward-looking approach that prepares economies in the region for growth in new sectors.

In another critically important area, he advocated a transparent and fair procedure for foreign investment.

“Investors are entitled to know whether their proposals are on track or not – and if not – why not,” he said.

Law enforcement and security cooperation have become the cornerstones of the U.S. relationship with the Bahamas, the diplomat acknowledged.

Mr. Rood reasoned that the geographic proximity and the heavy volume of tourist and commercial traffic passing back and forth between The Bahamas and the United States makes continued efforts in these areas vitally important.

“The relationship between the United States and The Bahamas is already a model for the rest of the region. We have set the standard for what is possible when two nations work together to defeat criminal organizations, money launderers and terrorists,” he said.

By: , The Bahama Journal

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