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Minister Praises Kerzner Dolphins

Bahamian Cabinet Minister Alfred Gray dismissed the controversy surrounding the Atlantis dolphins when he praised Kerzner International for “exceeding the government’s expectations.”

The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Local Government said he was more than satisfied when he saw the 16 Atlantic Bottlenose dolphins splashing around in their penned-off habitat just behind the old Club Med building.

“I am delighted to have taken this opportunity to see for myself what’s going on here because it’s important that The Bahamas, and particularly those people who were against the importation of these dolphins, get to see the high standards which are being enforced here at the facility,” he said. “Having seen what I have already, having gone through the medical facilities, the feeding facilities and, indeed, the habitat where the animals are kept, I am satisfied that this certainly meets, and in certain aspects, exceeds the expectations which we had for the facilities here.”

Minister Gray, along with members of the senior management team from his ministry went on a thorough walkabout of the dolphin habitat at Atlantis. He said that there were three key elements which he wanted to keep an eye on to assess their conditions: the food preparation and handling, the hospital facilities, and the actual acclimation habitat where the dolphins now live. The visibly delighted minister went on to silence the critics who slammed the dolphins’ transport. “For those critics who felt that the animals shouldn’t have been imported, my only hope is that they would come and see the facilities for themselves,” Minister Gray said. “There is no negative that I can observe, the preparation area is sparkling clean, the handlers are in uniform, and those who are preparing the food seem to know what they’re doing. Having seen those three entities, I am satisfied that the animals are being very well cared for.”

But apparently those critics won’t be silenced. Director of Re-Earth and environmentalist Sam Duncombe said the minister’s response was “despicable” adding that the government blatantly turned its back on their promise to not create anymore dolphin facilities. “What do we expect him to say?” she asked. “How would he know it’s acceptable? I’d like to know on what experience he bases his decision that everything’s okay over there. The point is that this government overturned a promise they’d made to the people. His comments are totally unacceptable.”

But Minister Gray insisted that he was “more than satisfied” after touring the acclimation habitat adding that this could be a stepping-stone for more of the same facilities.

“I think that Sol Kerzner has exceeded my expectations and I believe that if they continue to keep [the dolphins] and care for them the way I see they are doing, we will have no difficulty with them having these facilities, perhaps all over The Bahamas.”

The dolphins were displaced after Hurricane Katrina ravished their home in Gulfport, Mississippi on Aug 29. They were rescued then housed in various marine facilities throughout the eastern United States. Controversy began to surround the dolphins’ move when some people claimed that the animals should remain in the United States. One of the dolphins, Tessie, had to be left behind as she is ill.

By: IANTHIA SMITH, Nassau Guardian Staff Reporter

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