Nobody with good news calls in the middle of the night. ᅠAs a father of college-age children, the late-night sound of the telephone ringing was chilling. ᅠOur youngest son and about hundred or so of his closest friends from college had caught a spring break cruise ship ride from Florida to the Bahamas. ᅠBefore he left I talked to him about all of the モbe aware ofs.メ ᅠBut he, of course, was 20 and far wiser in the world than his parents, so モnot to worryメ was his reply. ᅠHe didnᄡt know that his world was about to turn upside down.
Since Natalee Holloway disappeared nine months ago on a high school graduation trip to Aruba, personal safety on getaway trips has become a part of our national subconscious. ᅠFrom Panama City, Florida, to Cancun, Mexico — 100,000 young Americans travel here every spring breakラand to points, ports, and beaches around the world, the risk to those seeking the sun-drenched 24/7 モparty of all parties,メ no matter what their age, are greater than ever. ᅠA little common sense and preparation can save you from a world of hurt and pain, and can help insure that your trip to some hot beach is not the trip from hell.
Consider these factors:
1. ᅠᅠKnow where youᄡre going before you start. ᅠUse the Internet to research the city, state, or country that youᄡre traveling to and know both the good and the bad about your destination. ᅠSome countries consider the use of drugs or the abuse of alcohol to be a very serious offense, something that can get you thrown in jail for weeks if not years. ᅠIn other countries the authorities will try to set you up in a sting-like operation, but their purpose is to force you or your parents to pay a bribe to gain your release. ᅠOther demands can also be made of you, demands you donᄡt even want to think about. ᅠBut whether you think of them or not, they are real, as is the threat to your personal safety. ᅠAnd if another language is spoken at your location, learn a few phrases like モI need the policeメ or モI need a doctorメ or just モHelp me.メ
2. ᅠᅠInsure that someone at home has all of your travel and contact information, including a copy of your passport, the front and back of your credit cards and identification cards, and information as to where you are staying and who youᄡll be with. ᅠIf this data changes, find an Internet kiosk and send the new information along so that you can be found or helped should the need arise.
3. ᅠᅠCell phones are great, but many wonᄡt work outside the U.S. or need to be set up in advance of your travel. ᅠDonᄡt assume that your phone has this capability. Call your cellular provider to arrange such service for the length of your trip.
4. ᅠᅠThere is always safety in numbers. ᅠDonᄡt travel alone and try to travel in threes. ᅠNever leave your wingman is a lesson naval aviator Tom Cruise learned the hard way in Top Gun. ᅠThe idea of three is the hope that no matter how crazy you and the situation get, out of three friends, one can be counted on to be the voice of reason. ᅠIn a worst case scenario, one can run for help while the second stays and stands by the third. ᅠRemember, youᄡre all in it together. You should always be within eyesight of each other. ᅠAnd donᄡt accept any offer to leave with a person youᄡve just met. ᅠThink of Natalee Hollowayᄡs last known ride. ᅠ
5. ᅠᅠAvoid using stairwells or elevators by yourself. ᅠDonᄡt tell any モnew friendメ where you are staying. ᅠPut your valuables in the hotelᄡs safe, not under your pillow. ᅠRemember not all モtaxisメ are really taxis. ᅠInsure that youᄡre taking a safe mode of travel every time you go out at night and donᄡt open your hotel door to strangers. ᅠIf the person knocking on your door says heᄡs with the hotel, call the front desk to check before you unlock your door.
6. ᅠᅠDrink only from sealed containers or get your drinks directly from the bartender. ᅠAnd donᄡt leave your drink unattended ヨ you donᄡt know what someone could put into it. ᅠDate rape drugs are many and varied, with the most common being モGHBメ and モRohypnol,メ the latter of which is also called circles, the forget me pill, La Rocha, lunch money drug, R-2, rib, roach-2, rope, robutal, roofies, rophies, row-shay, ruffles, and wolfies. ᅠThese drugs are used to facilitate rape because they make the assault easier. ᅠThis モanesthesiaメ type of drug renders the victim physically incapacitated or helpless and unable to withhold consent to sexual activity. ᅠRohypnol is one of the drugs most commonly implicated in drug-facilitated rape. ᅠIt can mentally and physically paralyze an individual. ᅠEffects of the drug are of particular concern in combination with alcohol and can lead to anterograde amnesia, where events that occurred during the time the drug was in effect are forgotten by the victim. ᅠIf your drink tastes or looks different than it should, e.g., salty, foamy, cloudy, or has some type of residue in it, just dump it. ᅠ
7. ᅠᅠLastly, remember Spiderman. ᅠSpidy had a sixth sense; he instinctively knew when trouble was around. ᅠAnd so do you. ᅠBut we donᄡt always listen to that still, small voice within that says モthis could be trouble.メ ᅠIf you think youᄡre being followed, go into a safe place and ask for assistance, and always look sober and look like you know where you are and what youᄡre doing. ᅠYou only need watch the predators in any vacation bar or on any モbooze cruiseメ that lurk just outside of your vision; theyᄡre watching your every move. ᅠPredators look for the lost, the weak, the vulnerableラusually the inebriated. ᅠYou donᄡt want to look like a zebra or gazelle thatᄡs separated and lost from her herd or be too forward toward strangers. ᅠYour overture of friendship to some can be a sign of vulnerability to a predator, and they can be very cunning as they work ever so stealthily to cut you out of the herd. ᅠYou donᄡt need to be paranoid. ᅠJust know your surroundings, your limitations, set boundaries, and stay with your wingmen.
Hundreds of holidays, vacations, or breaks become nightmares because of behavior, accidents, alcohol, and drugs. ᅠAlmost 3,000 Americans are arrested overseas every year, many for possession of very small amounts of narcotics. ᅠAccidents account for hundreds more victims, including drowning in pools and the ocean, automobile accidents, jet skis, and falls from buildings. ᅠMany threats exist to any vacationer who doesnᄡt put his personal safety above his desire to party. ᅠIn parts of Mexico, for example, one can easily become the victim of robbery, rape, kidnapping, and murder ヨ all of which are well documented. ᅠAnother little known safety issue in Mexico is the dozens of Americans who have fallen from the balconies of their hotels, this because many such balconies have rails that are only two or three feet tall (the U.S. standard is 42 inches). ᅠYet another issue is the lack of safety glass in hotel windows and sliding glass doors. ᅠThis accounted for our sonᄡs call from Nassau. ᅠモDad,メ he said, モwe were wrestling around in the hotel room after a few drinks and my friend, while bouncing on the bed (and off the walls), fell through the sliding glass door onto the balcony.メ ᅠEvidently he just missed tumbling over the balcony (they were on the 6th floor), but the glass broke into large shards. ᅠOne big, knife-like piece cut his arm like a surgeonᄡs scalpel, and he was bleeding badly. ᅠThey wrapped a towel around the bleeding limb and caught a cab to the local hospital. ᅠAn hour later I got another call ヨ Jonᄡs friend was in surgery. ᅠモIᄡll call you back,メ I said, モbut how do I find you?メ ᅠモDad,メ he said with some frustration, モweᄡre the only two white guys in the hospital ヨ theyᄡll find us.メ
Jon and his friend were on the next flight out of Nassau, and were met by my wife and his friendᄡs mother at Washington National airport. ᅠHis mother had already contacted a local surgeon, and they were soon getting a review of his injuries. ᅠThere was still glass in the wound that had been sewed up. ᅠモAnother 12 hours or so,メ the surgeon said, モand he would have lost the use of his arm.メ ᅠRemember, if seriously injured; get home for medical aid as soon as you can. ᅠOh, and donᄡt drink so much that you fall through glass doorsナ.
As for our other two children, Jeff got deathly ill on bad food while on spring break. ᅠAnd, while on a medical missions spring break trip to Haiti, our daughter Jenna had a local woman thrust a baby into her arms, begging Jenna to take the infant back to America as it would surely die in Haiti. ᅠChallenges come in many forms, shapes, and sizes.
Alcohol and injuries go hand in hand. ᅠDuring spring breaks the average male reports consuming 18 alcoholic drinks per day and the average woman 10 such drinks per day. ᅠOne half of all men and 40% of all women drank until they became sick or passed out at least once. ᅠIf youᄡre drinking, donᄡt do it on an empty stomach and for guys, limit yourself to one drink per hour and for women, one drink per 1 ᄑ hours. ᅠNurse a Coke or two. ᅠDonᄡt mix your drinks (e.g., beer and rum) and if you slur your words, walk funny, or feel sick, stop drinking. ᅠYou canᄡt drink yourself sober, but you can drink yourself into the hospital or worse. ᅠCar accidents, alcohol intoxication, broken limbs, and date rapes are all the results of alcoholic abuse. ᅠAlcohol is implicated in the three major causes of death among young people in America, including homicide, suicide, and accidentsラincluding alcohol poisoning. ᅠ
Many see Spring Break as a time to blame their behavior on the booze, the music, or even the moon. ᅠYour natural inhibitions may become fuzzy or even disappear when you believe that the party climate gives you an excuse not to be safe in all regards. ᅠSexually transmitted diseases are on the rise around the world. ᅠIn the U.S. alone, 5.5 million new cases of genital herpes, one of the major causes of cervical cancer, are identified every year. ᅠOther types of sexually transmitted infections, to include AIDS, can result from just one unguarded night of fun under the sun. ᅠWere you to be the victim of a sexual assault, do not expect a great amount of help from your hotel or local law enforcement in second and third world countries. ᅠHotels will be quick to suggest you immediately go home, this to preserve their モreputation,メ while local police may explain the long process that you must go through to identify and prosecute your assailant. ᅠTheir implied message to you is モbe glad youᄡre alive, count this as a learning experience, and pack up and go home.メ ᅠCase closed as far as they are concerned. ᅠ
And the predators? ᅠWell, they continue to prowl. ᅠThereᄡs always another plane landing with people just looking for fun, a continuing source of potential victims for such predators.
Just like you know the amount of time that you can spend in the sun before you burn, you should recognize the pitfalls that await those who donᄡt know their own limitations, who donᄡt set boundaries, and who violate the rules of safe traveling. ᅠNo one wants to cramp your style and keep you from having a good time on break or vacation. ᅠWe just want you to come back safe and in one piece. ᅠWhen youᄡre in an unfamiliar location and perhaps under the influence of something or someone, your chances of becoming a victim rise exponentially. ᅠBe smart and be safe. ᅠGood judgment and being responsible for yourself and your travel companions can help to insure that you get everything out of your vacation that you seek. ᅠBut nothing more.
By Clint Van Zandt
MSNBC analyst & former FBI profiler
Email Clint at
Clint is a frequent contributor to The Abrams Report, Weeknights at 4 & 6 p.m. ET on MSNBC TV
Clint Van Zandt is an MSNBC analyst. He is the founder and president of Van Zandt Associates Inc. Van Zandt and his associates also developed, a Website dedicated “to develop, evaluate, and disseminate information to help prepare and inform individuals concerning personal and family security issues.” During his 25-year career in the FBI, Van Zandt was a supervisor in the FBI’s internationally renowned Behavioral Science Unit at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. He was also the FBI’s Chief Hostage Negotiator and was the leader of the analytical team tasked with identifying the “Unabomber.”