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Concern Grows Over Closure Of Long Island Airport

Operators of the Stella Maris International Airport in north Long Island said on Tuesday they are baffled by the sudden closure of the airport on Monday.

They claimed that authorities at the Department of Civil Aviation did not give any prior notice that the airport would be shut down, but Director of Civil Aviation Cyril Saunders did not respond to Journal inquiries regarding the airport’s closure.

Owner of the airport’s airstrip, Joerg Friefe, said that the operators are prepared to do whatever it takes to resume flights at the popular Family Island airport, which is the only airport in that portion of the island.

“As of two days ago the information passed out about the Stella Maris Airport indicated that it is closed on account of runway conditions,” Mr. Friefe said.

The owners claim they do not know when the airport will be re-opened and had reportedly requested a meeting with relevant officials.

“A government member on behalf of Civil Aviation is working on setting up that meeting and [we hope] we will be able to meet within the next few days,” Mr. Friefe said.

He added that a quick fix is needed so that the airport can open immediately.

“We do know that the condition of the runway is in dire need of repair, but if we can put in some short term measures with plans to have the entire work done [it would] be better than just shutting down with no indication when repairs will start or be completed,” Mr. Friefe said.

Meanwhile, FNM Member of Parliament for Long Island Larry Cartwright said he was trying to assist in getting the airport reopened quickly.

Mr. Cartwright said the closure of the airport will negatively impact the employment of at least 300 people who work in north Long Island.

“The economy of Long Island will be affected drastically by the closure,” he said.

“With the airport being closed down the two resorts will suffer greatly because Bahamasair won’t be brining persons in and private charters will also not be able to fly into that airport and so it will decrease the number of guests for the two hotels.”

The Long Island MP said after he was informed that the airport was closed on Monday, he contacted Minister of Transport and Aviation Glenys Hanna-Martin, who confirmed that the airport was closed.

But he said she did not give any indication of when it will be reopened.

“Growth and development on Long Island are heavily weighted [on] the northern part of the island served by the Stella Maris Airport and the reliance on Bahamasair for domestic travel,” Mr. Cartwright said.

He also said he hoped that the airport will soon be re-opened so residents of north Long Island won’t have to drive a long distance to use the only other airport on the island located at Deadman’s Cay.

By: Bianca Symonette, The Bahama Journal

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