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Infidelity Tip Sheets Help Wives with Cheating Husbands

As a service to women who are struggling with issues of infidelity, Ruth Houston, infidelity expert, founder of and author of Is he Cheating on You? ヨ 829 Telltale Signs has compiled two tip sheets full of practical advice for women whose husbands are involved in extramarital affairs.

5 things You SHOULDN’T Do If He’s Cheating on You explains 5 mistakes a woman should avoid making in the early days or weeks immediately after discovering that her husband is having an affair.

Says Houston “Even if a woman isn’t sure yet whether to leave her husband or stay with him and try to work things out, the “5 Things” tip sheet will help her avoid doing things that could sabotage the course of action she eventually decides to take.”

How Wives with Cheating Husbands Can Gain the Upper Hand contains practical suggestions on how a woman can discreetly work behind the scenes to protect herself emotionally, legally, financially and sexually, and minimize much of the damage infidelity can cause.

Houston comments. “Too many women with cheating husbands suffer in silence because they feel they have no choice, or because they don’t know what else to do. Women in this situation have more power than they realize. The “Upper Hand” tip sheet can empower such women and keep them from feeling like helpless victims.

Each tip sheet is available free to any woman who requests it by sending an e-mail to e-mail protected from spam bots (InfidelityAdvice at with either “5 things” or “Upper Hand” in the subject line.

Houston, a nationally and internationally recognized infidelity expert who is who is frequently called on by the media to comment on popular infidelity issues and breaking infidelity-related news says, “Infidelity has reached epidemic proportions. Statistics indicate that 50% to 70% of men are cheating on their mates. There’s a lot of infidelity information out there, but what’s really needed is practical information that can be immediately put to use by women who are dealing with an infidelity situation.”

Houston’s website provides a wealth of practical advice on a variety of infidelity issues from discovery to recovery.

In addition to the infidelity tip sheets mentioned above, Houston also offer the following free tip sheets which deal with other aspects of infidelity

21 Major Categories of Infidelity Signs ヨ Detailed descriptions of the 21 major categories of telltale signs which indicate a cheating mate. Each category contains 19 to 92 specific signs of infidelity.

10 Things You Didn’t know About Signs of Infidelity ヨ little-known facts about infidelity that come as a surprise even to people who consider themselves knowledgeable about infidelity and extramarital affairs

The Down Low Dozen Tip Sheet – Part 1 – describes a discreet 3-step method a Black woman can use to find out if her husband or boyfriend is involved in same sex infidelity.

To receive a free copy of either of the tip sheets mentioned above, send an e-mail to e-mail protected from spam bots (InfidelityAdvice at with the title of the tip sheet you are requesting in the subject line.

About Ruth Houston:

Infidelity expert Ruth Houston is the author of Is He Cheating on You? ヨ 829 Telltale Signs, and the founder of She has been quoted in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Cosmopolitan, the New York Post, the Chicago Tribune, the Washington Times, iVillage, MSN Lifestyle, and numerous other print and online media.

Ruth has been a guest on The Today Show, Good Day New York, Telemundo, BBC, CBC, TalkAmerica, PowerTalkRadio, and over 200 other radio and TV talk shows in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Europe, South America, Australia, and New Zealand.

To interview Ruth Houston or have her speak to your group call 718 592-6039 or e-mail her at e-mail protected from spam bots (InfidelityExpert at

About the book:

Is He Cheating on You? – 829 Telltale Signs lists practically every known sign of infidelity, including the subtle signs women usually overlook. The signs conveniently grouped into 21 major categories so a woman can easily find the signs that apply to her mate. No special private investigators, fancy surveillance equipment or special skills required. All signs can be found by any woman using nothing more than her own eyes and ears, her personal knowledge of her mate, and the information in this book. ᅠ

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