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PLP Failing People

We have been coming to the Bahamas for over 15 years and admit that we love the Bahamian people.

It is the present government, especially the foreign affairs ministry, that, in my opinion, is failing the Bahamian people. The indecision and “foot dragging” that went on for 11 months on the issue of the two Cuban dentists has turned this into an embarrassing situation for the Bahamian people.

Now due to what from my perspective I see as the mismanagement of foreign affairs this matter should, either way, have been solved last May. Now Fox News and Sean Hannity have shown the world the way you treat human beings at the detention centre.

If Mr Mitchell hopes it will go away because they sent the two dentists back, he is far wrong. Fox News is going to be there at the next protest on April 1 and 2 at the cruise ship docks focusing on the detention centre’s conditions as well as the assault on Mario Vellijo of the Latin American TV station Univision.

Let’s just hope they do not want to look at the conditions of the Fox Hill prison.

I am fearful, as many Bahamians are, of the ramifications caused by the “the trying to sweep it under the rug” theory of how to manage foreign relations. My concern is that the US government may feel that if the Bahamian government treats human beings this way then maybe we should not accord them special privileges such as “special pre-clearance status”. It may appear that by continuing that special treatment that the US is condoning such treatment of human beings.

JIM MOORE, Florida

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