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Penalties For Gas Pollution

Companies or people found using Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) gases in air-conditioning systems, aerosol sprays or any type of refrigerants, will be fined up to $10,000 or even imprisoned in the near future.

This information came across strongly yesterday, when officers from The Ministry of Environment and Energy held a workshop for air-conditioning and refrigeration company owners, operators and technicians on The Montreal Protocol Bill and Implications for Technicians.

The workshop was held at The Superclubs Breezers hotel and was well attended by persons in the community, who are involved in the industry.

The core of the workshop was to inform the owners, operators and technicians of The Montreal Protocol Bill, which will standardise the industry.

The requirements of the Bill, which was signed in 1993, are set to be en-forced by The Bahamas Environment Science and Technology Commission (BEST).

The Bill has to do with a code of practice primarily for technicians within the field of air-conditioning and refrigeration.

Various aspects of the Bill provides among other things, for example, that technicians will not be allowed to vent controlled substances in the atmosphere, without being fined up to $2,000 or without serving a six-month term of imprisonment or both.

Also, all technicians must be certified and issued a certification card; technicians committing offences under the law, can be fined up to $10,000 or serve a two-year term of imprisonment or both.

Ryan Perpall and Coral Miller of the BEST Commission, were the presenters and facilitators at the workshop and gave information on the importance of the bill and its affect on Bahamians in this industry.

By: VIRAJ PERPALL, The Nassau Guardian

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