The sixth inmate, Deon Wallace, who was initially scheduled to give evidence before the court said he had nothing to say but later changed his mind and addressed only the coroner and jury panel.
Reporters and members of the public gallery were asked to leave.
Following Wallace’s testimony, Coroner Linda Virgill indicated that she did not wish to disclose the contents of his evidence. In the meantime, Michael Edwards, an inmate in C-25, said he was awakened around 3:11 a.m. and was asked by Forrestor Bowe or Neil Brown to call out to the guards. Officer Sands, he said, eventually passed through the area and told Brown he could not assist him but would send Officer Bowles.
Bowles, he said, arrived about 3:40 a.m., but never passed back. He said four pairs of feet passed his cell, but he could not say who they belonged to. Once at the cell door, he saw two men, one of whom was Neil Brown dragging a bench outside. There was a scream from the cells upstairs and three sounds from the alarm as well as gunshots.
He further testified that officers Sweeting and Sands removed Bowles from the CBlock. His hands and feet were tied and blood was on his clothing, the witness recalled. Peter Cash, who has been on death row since September 1994, was housed in cell C-23
in January. After 4:00 a.m., he said that he was awakened by the siren and the sounds of inmates’ voices calling for Sergeant Sands. He told the court that he also heard glass breaking which compelled him to look outside his cell.
Wesley Gist said that he heard someone say, “Tie his (Bowles’) hands and feet”. In addition, he observed someone lying on the ground whom he tried to identify. He asked the person if they were okay and said they responded, “I’ll be alright”. He also complained to the court that he was being oppressed and abused by officers for no reason. Gist further talked about the cruel and
inhumane treatment he is allegedly receiving. He told the court that he was being handcuffed in the showers, and denied exercise and visits. Leslie Webster told the court about the prison guard’s body being removed from the cell block by Sergeant Sands and another officer whom he had called out to
By: JIMENITA SWAIN, The Nassau Guardian