Olympian Andretti Bain is seeking to make the transitional step from competing to becoming his own boss.
The 26-year-old has opened a sports and lifestyle nutritional store, located on Farrington Road and George Street, designed to provide Bahamians with another option for healthier living. Bain sees the opening of his store as the first step of his transition from an athlete to a businessman. The Olympic silver medalist also wants to move back to The Bahamas.
He said: “I really would like to be home training. It was always my goal to do that but there are certain things that we are lacking here that really prevent me and other athletes from doing so. Some of the things were the availability and the affordability of proper sports and lifestyle nutritional products. It is very important to have your supplements and vitamins. I figured that in trying to fulfill a personal need that I have that I will go ahead and create a store to do that. It is one less hurdle I will have to clear when it comes to making that transition from training in the states to training home.”
The store will serve and provide all multi-vitamins, be they for sports, recreation or everyday use. Diet and weight loss products as well as consultative services on sports and lifestyle nutritional products or dietary weight loss exercise programs.
Bain said that opening this store is just one of the many business ideas he plans to execute. The nutrition store was a priority he said and took about two months to put into operation. The 400-meter runner used the time off, after not qualifying for the London Olympic Games, to start up the store.