The Bahamas National Committee signed up Horatio Smith of Horatio Alexander Designs as their caterer and event planner for their upcoming scholarship fundraising event “Spirit of The Bahamas” scheduled for Friday, March 22 at Doongalik Studios on Village Road.
Plans are well underway for an exciting ‘fun’ and fund’ event which is being held under the distinguished patronage of Their Excellencies, The Governor General and Lady Foulkes. With an all Bahamian theme of entertainment, exhibitions, games, activities and dancing, the Committee was happy to welcome Horatio Smith to the team as he is well known for his mouth watering fare and catering flair! Tickets are now available at Doongalik Studios on Village Road, 394-1886.
For further information please visit their website at
Caption: Chairperson of the Bahamas UWC National Committee BJ Clancy-Deveaux (right) along with other Committee members (l-r) David Sheasby (Treasurer), Pamela Burnside and Mark Henderson welcomes Horatio Smith to the Spirit of The Bahamas Team.