In a recent Associated Press article entitled – New style of papacy: Pope Francis pays hotel bill, the following was expressed by the Pontiff’s authorized biographer: “It seems to me what is certain is it’s a great change of style, which for us isn’t a small thing,” Sergio Rubin, Francis’ authorized biographer, told The Associated Press.
Rubin said the new pope “believes the church has to go into the streets” and be one with the people it serves and not impose its message on a society that often doesn’t want to hear it.
For this reason, as Cardinal Bergoglio, “he built altars and tents in the squares of Buenos Aires, and held Masses with former prostitutes and homeless people in the street,” Rubin said. “He did this to express the closeness of the church to those who are suffering.”
It is indeed a very powerful commentary, which is an indication of a leader sending a real message of profound change to the Catholic Church’s leadership throughout the world.
Get out of your cozy offices bishops and priests, and into your respective communities to build altars and tents in the squares, and hold Masses with prostitutes, homeless people, the poor and all of God’s people for that matter.
I love it, and look forward to our very own Catholic archbishop and priests sweating for Jesus Christ in all the places where it counts; just like our master and redeemer did.
Praise the Lord for a new day and fruitful season in the Roman Catholic Church.
Dennis Dames