Cable Bahamas announced a quantum leap forward for its REVON Broadband Internet subscribers and for The Bahamas, with the launch of a dramatic increase in speeds of more than 500 per cent. These major speed increases come with no change in costs to any of the company’s existing levels of service. The company also announced an entirely new offering that will be released in the coming weeks and that will deliver up to 70 megabits per second Internet access.
REVON Broadband Internet customers will receive the new speed offerings starting Monday, April 22 in New Providence and Grand Bahama, and Monday, May 20 in Abaco and Eleuthera.
Cable Bahamas executives announced the speed increases at a press conference on Friday. As the company that first introduced “always on” broadband Internet service to The Bahamas in 2000, this evolution of broadband services was a natural progression, enabled by Cable Bahamas’ extensive fibre-optic network.
“We are reaping the rewards of great planning and design,” said Vice President of Engineering John Gomez. “Because of the way we designed our network, we can continually expand and deliver the technology that our customers demand. That foundation has enabled us to adapt and grow as needs change, without having to rebuild on top of old technology.”
Head of Marketing at Cable Bahamas David Burrows announced the specific speed levels as follows: REVON subscribers receiving 3 megabits per second service will be upgraded to a new service level of up to 15 megabits per second; subscribers currently at 6 megabits per second will receive up to 30 megabits per second; and, those currently receiving 9 megabits per second will get up to 50 megabits per second.
Caption: Cable Bahamas Ltd’s Head of Marketing at Cable Bahamas David Burrows (LEFT) and Vice President of Engineering John Gomez (RIGHT). (Photo: Keen i Media Ltd)