In another classic bit of Bahamian irony, Phillip “Brave” Davis, defence lawyer for the indefensible and PLP Member of Parliament for Cat Island, San Salvador and Rum Cay, is “aggressively pursuing” the suspension of Charles Maynard, MP for Golden Isles, from the House of Assembly because of comments Mr Maynard made during the BTC debate.
Last week, Maynard claimed that Davis solicited thugs to cause civil unrest during the last ill-fated BTC protest. Maynard said Davis offered additional money to thugs who were willing to get arrested during the protest.
Mr Davis said the claims were “outright lies” and a breach of his privilege. He has referred the matter to House Speaker Alvin Smith.
Davis, the man who got rich by keeping scum on the streets of Nassau, says he is still seeking Maynard’s suspension and a declaration that Mr Maynard is “unfit to hold public office.”
Say what?
Here’s a man who has single-handedly increased the level of crime in Nassau by keeping scum on the streets, who has allegedly ripped off dozens of foreign investors, who has gotten rich off the proceeds of crime… and he thinks Mr Maynard is unfit for public service?!
Yinna mussy jokin!
Davis said that if the House committee does not proceed appropriately, he will seek legal counsel to explore judicial options that would ensure the matter is dealt with.
Yeah, good luck with that Brave.