It has been confirmed by Deputy Police Commissioner Marvin Dames that the high-ranking police officer who is suspected of raping a young woman with Down’s Syndrome is still on the job.
The mentally handicapped girl had the officer’s baby after the rape.
The girl’s mother has been crying out for justice for more than two years.
Dames, who took charge of the case at the end of last year, said the police officer is still on the force because the allegations have yet to be proven.
The allegations have not been proven because the police have not released the results of the DNA test that was taken 17-months ago.
It is suspected that top-ranking police officers have allowed the case to drag on so they could protect one of their own boys.
This injustice has become all too common as police officer, after police officer, commits crimes but are never brought to justice.
A study by an independent citizens group indicated that a large percentage of serious crimes in the Bahamas are committed by police officers, ex-police officers or other uniformed public servants.
It is common knowledge that senior police officers are involved in auto theft, drugs, gun-running and human smuggling. Yet, Commissioner Ellison Greenslade seems to look the other way.
The murder of handbag designer Harl Taylor and businessman Hywell Jones both allegedly involved police officers, yet that was never disclosed as investigations were apparently stiffled by the police themselves.
Bahamians are, for the most part, too scared to speak out against the police as those who speak out are often targeted and arrested on trumped up charges. Some have even been killed.
Even Bahamian politicians are afraid of the police because most of the politicians in the Bahamas are corrupt themselves, and the police know it. The politicians do not dare speak out because the police might speak out against them.
It has been suggested that foreign police officers be brought in to lead the force. That seems to be the only solution at this point as it is rather obvious that the police can not, and will not, police themselves.