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Full Road Closure For Prince Charles Drive

Nassau, The Bahamas – Ministry of Public Works and Transport officials informed residents and business owners in eastern New Providence that Prince Charles Drive will come under a full road closure between June 11 to August 11.

“Under full closure we maximise the work in a short time,” Charlene Collie, engineer and public relations representative for the New Providence Road Improvement and Infrastructure Project said.

“We try to get substantially all of the work completed under full closure before releasing the road back to traffic.

One of the objectives of the project is to improve the overall road network and Prince Charles Drive is a major road that takes a high volume of traffic onto the network.

“To complete the works we must carry out the installation of the 24-inch water main which would drastically improve water quality and flow,” Ms. Collie said.

She was the featured speaker at a recent information meeting at Faith Temple Christian Academy. The meeting was a part of the Public Execution Unit’s public relations campaign to inform resident and business owners of the Government’s road improvement project.

Twenty thousand feet of pipe is being installed and workers are presently laying 300 ft of pipe per week. During the closure residents and business owners along the route will be able to access their homes and business places at all times.

Ms. Collie touted the benefits of the project. Driver will find their journeys to be more reliable and the flow of traffic will improve, she said.

Upcoming roadworks on Prince Charles Drive, traffic management schemes, access to Faith Temple Christian Academy from Pine Barren Road were among other topics discussed. Pine Barren Road is not a component of the project, however the Civil Design Section of the Ministry of Works is assisting with this matter.

By Kathryn Campbell
Bahamas Information Services

Posted in Lifestyle

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