Oscar-winning film star Sean Connery, who currently lives in the Bahamas, has been subpoenaed to testify before a Spanish judge in an investigation into a…
Columbus Day is the annual commemoration of Christopher Columbus’s landing in the New World, on San Salvador island in the Bahamas on October 12, 1492.…
Baha Mar has reached a settlement agreement with Scotiabank for the outstanding loan issues. With this issue now resolved, the company is hoping to gain…
A young man accused of killing his ex-girlfriend has claimed in court that he had signed a confession statement under duress, having been threatened by…
Stephen ‘Die’ Stubbs has been accused of threatening the life of senior police official, head of the Central Detective Unit.
On the forecast track, Otto should remain well to the east of the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands. A faster northeastward motion is…
With the intent to crack down on illegal charter operators, the Flight Standards Inspectorate issued a September listing of authorised charter companies, otherwise known as…
Less than 36 hours after the fatal crash of a small charter plane in Lake Killarney, another small plane was forced to make a crash…
Dubbed ‘Old but Useful’ an exhibition of antiques was held to celebrate Bahamian ancestry and heritage during October’s Older Person’s Month.