Lawyer says fear of crime had cost the Bahamas a job-creating investment by a “multi-millionaire client”, as he likened doing business in this nation to…
A woman who killed her abusive husband is sentenced to 14 years in jail, while a man who raped and murdered an innocent 19-year-old girl…
A Wall Street credit agency has questioned the wisdom of government’s decision to undertake capital works in 2014, asking if the works are “important for…
More nonsense from the bewigged bozos of the Privy Council, who, after striking down the death penalty, have now overturned a 25-year sentence of a…
While 18-year-old kids languish in jail, receiving the mandatory 4-year jail sentence for having one joint of marijuana, a major drug dealer – caught with…
The MasterCard Priceless Bahamas program and the Ministry of Tourism presented three local businesses with merchant incentive awards for achieving the highest volume of MasterCard…
Women’s rights activist Donna Nicolls yesterday defended the importance of sexual offence laws in the country after talk show host Darold Miller railed against sexual…
SkyBahamas has resumed its service to Bimini and will resume flights into Fort Lauderdale beginning January 18 2014.
Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell justifies his galavanting around the world by saying that he is encouraging foreign investment in The Bahamas, while his Immigration…