The contest is on for the hearts and minds of Bahamian voters.
The group were given a tour of the proposed resort which has had worked stalled by the Save Guana Cay Reef Association (SGCRA).
The Ministry of Tourism is now taking entries for the 3rd Annual Junkanoo Song Competition which was opened officially on May 1 with the deadline…
The Bahamas is expected to vote today in favour of Cuba becoming a member of the new United Nations Human Rights Council.
Speculation is that the top CDR leaders will, like their whorish leader Bernard Nottage, change parties like most people change their underwear.
One of the pillars of Nassau’s Greek community, Father Theophanis Kolyvas, has died at the age of 89.
It is time for Americans to reassess their relationship with islands such as Jamaica, St. Maarten and the Bahamas.
The Bahamas won four out of five classes at The Bahamas Hot Rod Association's First Drag Racing Invitational at the Queen Elizabeth's Sports Centre on…
No more pussyfooting’ as AG plans to have death warrants read as soon as possible after someone has been convicted of murder and sentenced to…