Total visitor arrivals to the Bahamas fell by 6 per cent in January 2006 as a 7 per cent increase in air arrivals was offset…
What comes around goes around. Company complains because the transmissions they steal from US airwaves are now being pirated by Bahamians.
The clean up effort coincided with Coastal Awareness Month in April by the Ministry of Tourism along with its various public and private sector partners.
Government has announced that it will either be firing or cutting the pay of all members of the Bahamas Union of Teachers who attended an…
A typically meaningless Bahamas arrest warrant was issued for the allegedly corrupt prison guard.
A freedom of Information Act is way overdue in this country. For a government that campaigned on the principle of transparency, the Christie government is…
Experts urge Bahamians to press for freedom of information act.
As tensions between public school teachers and the government intensified on Thursday, several hundred teachers abandoned their classrooms, resulting in a decision by officials to…
There simply has got to be a more humane way to address this problem.