Officer’s memory had to prodded by Magistrate later in the trial when he was not able to remember much pertaining to prison officers who handled…
The latest in a string of lying, deceiving, criminally-minded Attorney Generals is called to the carpet by Bahamian citizens.
However, until criminal lawyer/politicians and snake-like businessmen are arrested and jailed, there is no hope for restoring civility.
Allowing prominent families to get away with crime sets a terrible example for our youth, who develop an ‘anything goes’ criminal mentality.
But also say that there is no need for anyone to apologize in relation to the illegal detention matter.
The number of kids who are responsible for these break-ins is too high,’ Chief Superintendent Carey says.
Detention of Haitian residents of North Eleuthera has caught the attention of the human rights watchdog, Amnesty International (AI).
The Council of the College of The Bahamas has recommended to Cabinet that Canadian Janyne Hodder be appointed president of COB.
Inmate who mounted a deadly escape from Prison in January was shot after he turned around and headed towards an officer with his hands in…