Debbie Ferguson of the Bahamas is also expected to announce her withdrawal in the coming days.
Rights abusing government’s only concern is for the weekend protest in Florida by Cuban exile groups, not the welfare of the detained dentists.
Police will be there in full force to ensure persons are arrested and dealt with if they are to commit a crime.
The airport was closed without warning last week by the Civil Aviation Department because it was considered a safety hazard.
Once again, an investigation is wrapping up but government has no intention of making the findings public.
The protests were sparked by the beating of Miami journalist Mario Vallejo, by a defence force officer posted at the Carmichael Road Detention Centre.
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) said a lab in the United Kingdom will be testing samples taken from 10 dead birds found on Inagua.
The Royal Bahamas Defence Force anticorruption unit reported that during 2005 there were eight allegations of corruption brought against officers.
Read this article carefully. According to these definitions, it appears the PLP could be accused of defrauding the Bahamian public.