Christie and Nottage caught with egg on their faces, deceiving the public, as former PM Ingraham has them choking on their own words.
An analysis of the 2002 Speech from the Throne shows that there were key agenda items that never materialized.
Bahamas is as unprepared as it was last year when it has to beg the US to extend the deadline for the new ‘passport required’…
Government’s mandate that developers use Bahamian contractors for their projects, with caveats included, is a ‘romantic’ solution to the problem.
In a civil society Messrs. Alexiou and Ferguson would be arrested for contempt of court.
Bahamas Ambassador to the United States, Joshua Sears, hides the results of the investigation into the beating of the journalist by a Defence Force guard.
Judge Joanna Seybert ordered properties in the Bahamas and Australia in which Turner had an interest to be forfeited to the United States.
There are enough bugs at the moment to make any demonstration in the immediate future an embarrassing exercise.
An angry mother accused three officers in the Western District yesterday of viciously beating her under-age daughter.