Government stalls investigation, hides the report and generally treats the incident as a PR hassle, prompting growing disdain for Bahamians around the world.
Christie’s immature and unprofessional ‘hissy-fit’ tirade in Parliament was remarkably disappointing.
The development is contrary to what the architects and proponents of the plan had been advocating.
The accused were also arraigned on trespassing and disorderly behaviour charges.
Cloud of confusion clears as controversial and possibly corrupted election results are published.
New process allows all potential non-immigrant visa applicants to schedule an interview ahead of time.
Recent round of jaw-flapping by government repeats stale promises of more help and less hurdles for small businesses.
Deborah Fraser replaces Rhonda Bain whose performance has been less than stellar.
Spectacular Harbour Island Shoot dominates the 2006 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue