Prime Minister dilly-dallies even longer on Cabinet reshuffle.
Anecdotal information suggests that there is a high incidence of breast cancer in young women in The Bahamas.
Visitor from Michigan, a guest on the Costa Magica cruise ship, went for a swim off Paradise Island and drowned.
Caribbean travel and tourism industry is forecast to grow by about 4 percent a year through 2015, said the London-based World Travel & Tourism Council.
President of the Grand Bahama Human Rights Association, said the incident is but one example of many instances of mistreatment and abuse by Bahamian authorities…
Human rights abuses may be the ‘last straw’ for Bahamas tourism as disgust for the rogue nation spreads around the globe.
Demonstrations continue after reporter was beaten by Bahamas Defence Force guard.
Controversial ad panels disappearing from subway after being criticized for encouraging lawless beahviour.
A female resident of Rupert Dean Lane said she is ready to take legal action against a police officer after being assaulted by him in…