Vendors fear competition from fishing boats in the area that sell seafood to the public.
Minister Mitchell, who has long lamented the time taken to implement the new system, explained that the Cabinet has not yet ‘really’ considered the matter.
The press ought to be free. We ought to explore these issues and political considerations and financial considerations should not govern how the press or…
Desparate for hotel investors in Grand Bahama, the government yields to additional concessions.
Anything that comes from Raynard Rigby should not be placed in the news section, but in the Comic section.
As the government ‘investigates’ the brutality at the Detention Centre, it would be wise to remember that Bahamian government investigations are nothing but PR stunts.
In a rare display of ethics a Bahamian judge actually did the ‘right’ thing and punished an errant juror.
Congressmen call for inquiry after beating of US journalist.
Cuban-Americans picketed the Bahamas Consulate in downtown Miami to protest the brutality and abuse at the Carmichael Road Detention Centre.