At least they are no longer being referred to as graffiti ‘artists’.
For those who have money, rather than morality, as their motivation.
The Central Bank of The Bahamas reported recently that the National Debt now stands at around $2.7 billion.
Hacker could get six years in jail…
Different inmates have different challenges, and if you take them all and just throw them in a cell, you wouldn’t know what their challenge is.
The usual rhetoric and feigned concern spouted by government ministers who will, as in the past, do nothing but talk and make empty promises.
US Ambassador blasts Cuba and Korea but fails to mention his buddies in China whose human rights abuses are legendary.
More delays as Bahamian government appears to be conspiring with allegedly corrupt lawyers and judges to thwart extradition agreement.
Winning in grand fashion, students of St. Georges celebrated the victory in all four categories.