A police prosecutor dropped a cocaine case against three men after his witnesses failed to show up to give evidence in court.
A Bahamas Defence Force officer has been accused of sexual harrassment of female marines.
Attorney argues that there are more than just a few Bahamians being denied justice by our dysfunctional legal system.
Prime Minister’s Ethics Code isn’t worth the paper its printed on.
My favorite on a recent visit was Eleuthera; it had me smitten.
Pirates’ film actor unsettled after fire in hotel, theft from rooms. Says islands are boring and depressing with nothing to do.
Foreign white businessman attacked and murdered in the Bahamas as racial undercurrents go unchecked by PLP government.
It remains unclear when – and even if – the Government of The Bahamas would sign onto the Petrocaribe deal.
Government faces delays in its plans to implement Bahamas Flight Information Region, after including expected revenue in the 2003-2004 budget.