After nearly a decade as the driving force behind the start-up and growth of Cable Bahamas, founder and major shareholder Philip Keeping is calling an…
The organizers created an extensive program of entertainment and the participation of many of Grand Bahama’s top performers has been invited.
Increasing rates of HIV/AIDS are threatening to destroy the social fabric of the Bahamas, the country’s top health official said.
Total purse for the event, which offers both singles and doubles, is $3.7 million US. The tournament opens Saturday and runs through Nov. 21.
More than 1,000 private investors – mainly from Europe – are understood to have had pension money and life savings in Behring’s funds, mainly thorugh…
Bahamas Ambassador Clarifies Financial Regulations
Resort has until December 31, 2004 to determine in its discretion whether to proceed with the remaining elements of the Phase III expansion that it…
The president of BREA emphasized that he will try to stop the unfair competition caused by non-licensed foreign real estate agents.
Mr. Allen said that chemical castration, as opposed to physical castration, has proven successful in reducing the number of crimes committed by habitual sex offenders.