Government is still in the process of assessing the damage done by the recent hurricanes Frances and Jeanne.
Even in Grand Bahama and Abaco, the two hardest hit areas, some hotel executives are reporting that they are partially operational.
This public announcement is designed to let American citizens know that Freeport and areas of Grand Bahama are still recovering’ says embassy spokesman.
A recent study found that survey respondents believed Nassau was more damaged by the hurricanes than the Cayman Islands.
Housing modules used during the construction of Four Seasons Emerald Bay Resort in Exuma, were shipped to Grand Bahama for use as temporary housing for…
The spill was initally contained but due to the heavy downpour of rain from Hurricane Jeanne the oil overflowed into the surrounding vegetation.
Fuhrmann plans to spread the message to potential investors that the Bahamas is corrupt with an anti-foreign mindset.
The Foreign Affairs Minister said repeated calls for a level playing field are an important part of the government’s ongoing effort to defend the interests…
Because the Bahamas does not rank among the regions poorest countries, it is sometimes passed over for relief, Mr. Christie said.