Grand Bahama was one of the worst hit islands during Hurricane Frances with reports indicating that West End was virtually swept away, creating nothing more…
The Prime Minister said the government was trying to avoid becoming panicked and rushing to make requests for international assistance without first having a thorough…
Chief Superintendent Hulan Hanna, police public relations officer said individuals committing looting could face up to two years imprisonment if charged in a Magistrate Court.
All computer models indicate that the storm is a threat to land and could affect The Bahamas.
North Andros wellfields are presently at 50 per cent capacity. One area is totally flooded…all of the electrical motors are underwater, says water and sewerage…
If ‘hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,’ then someone must have made Hurricane Frances really mad.
Minimal damages were sustained to the major hotels on Nassau/Paradise Islands.
The entire settlement of West End was under water, and homes were demolished.
Island nation takes a licking, but keeps on ticking.