A frustrated Mr. Wisdom was for the fourth time forced to postpone the signing of a much-talked about Junkanoo contract last night, blaming the absence…
One third of airlift to Grand Bahama is at stake now that the Driftwood Group, which owns the Royal Oasis Resort, has severed its 11-year…
Negotiations for the privatization of Bahamasair are expected to begin within 12 to 18 months, according to minister responsible for the airline, Bradley Roberts.
According to Mr. Sears, the decision of the Board of Bahamasair to purchase the aircraft was arrived at only after a careful cost-benefit analysis of…
By the time Mr. Stubbs felt the need to resign, ethical codes were violated and laws appear to have been broken.
Several Caribbean countries have signed up to a new agreement on intellectual property development, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) announced this week.
Mitchell forecast that “regardless of what happens, we have to change our tax system, because the present system is simply not paying the country’s way.”
An international financial group, along with shareholders of a failed mutual fund, has accused PricewaterhouseCoopers (Bahamas) of failing to pursue legal action…
Time is of the essence for legislators who are trying to deal with three critical bills before the end of the year.