Prime Minister Perry Christie hinted yesterday at the possibility of government signing onto the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME) but not withouit first consulting…
Dismissing the most substantive legal challenge to date of a package of financial bills passed two years ago, the Court of Appeal yesterday threw out…
The new legislation was a direct response to the OECD/FATF’s labelling of the jurisdiction as ‘uncooperative’ in the fight against money laundering.
Home owners at Lyford Cay have been warned to tighten security after three masked gunmen forced a resient into his apartment, tied him up and…
Although they are being urged to be more aggressive in the international banking arena, some local bankers say the idea is not a feasible one…
According to a report from The Panama News, Jill Keohane, in-house counsel for the Liberian International Ship and Corporate Registry told those attending the July…
What is important today is for the Christie government to recognise that while widespread public dialogue is important, talk must at some point come to…
The Bahamas Electrical Corp.’s management may face industrial action at noon today if Timothy Moore, Bahamas Electrical Utilities Managerial Union president, who was fired on…
Workers of the Bahamas Electricity Corporation today threatened to demonstrate if the president of the corporation’s managerial union Timothy Moore is not reinstated by noon…