Lawyers seek to overturn financial legislation on the grounds that it compromises lawyers’ rights to protect client confidentiality and breaches other fundamental freedoms.
Although appreciative of certain unique considerations, Caribbean leaders are committed to having The Bahamas throw its lot in completely with regional initiatives, PM Perry Christie…
Charges of racism and human rights violations
PM said it was his responsibility to assure the group that although The Bahamas is gripped with fear, the government is making a massive effort…
“The country is paralysed by fear. It’s been an orgy of unprecedented violence.”
Degenerate judiciary too soft on hardened criminals.
Who has a duty, and the sole responsibility to do something, anything to stop the flow of blood? The Government, that’s who!
Pressure on police grows as the tolls hits 12
In face of the opposition by others Permanent Members of the Council, notably France and Russia it is going to take a miracle for the…