This spill is indeed a “wake-up call” for adequate oil spill response now. Regardless of the outcome for potential commercial drilling, The Bahamas faces an…
PM Perry Christie, Gregory Moss and the PLP government owe Algernon Cargill and his family an apology.
Ever since the May 7 general election, Police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade has been sounding more and more like a rank-and-file PLP parliamentarian and Cabinet minister.
Just what has this government been doing that has kept it so busy? Central to this plague of unavailability is the lack of a cohesive…
The PLP’s comments about their role in establishing equal rights in The Bahamas is an insult to the legacy of those who demanded racial justice…
Upon coming to office, the PLP found crime a problem and it should have been given priority, but, no, gambling seems to be the most…
A chronic gambler says he’ll vote no on any gambling referendum because if web shop gambling is legalised, cash prizes will see a significant decrease.
Why does the government need to be given much more time to do what’s right and good, when it has clearly wasted no time at…
Christmas is a season of universal festivity. Even non-believers perceive something extraordinary and transcendental about the Christmas season.