During a beach stroll on their November honeymoon in the Bahamas, a couple found a coral-encrusted class ring belonging to a Staten Island resident.
The premier of the Cayman Islands, McKeeva Bush, 57, was arrested early Tuesday morning and detained in police custody in connection with a number of…
William Trubridge, a world champion New Zealand freediver who blacked out during an attempt at a world record-matching dive in the Bahamas last week, promises…
Following last week’s oil spill off Grand Bahama, tar droplets have been discovered on Coral Beach.
Cuba has rejected claims by the US government regarding poor treatment of US citizen Allan Gross, 63, who was convicted and imprisoned in Cuba three…
Captain Ray Darville, a specialist oil spill responder, questioned the authorities’ response to a heavy crude oil spill off Grand Bahama.
Bahamian government officials say that a cargo ship has been slowly leaking oil off the northernmost island of the Bahamas.
The U.S. Coast Guard is searching for a Washington state man who has gone missing from a cruise ship in the Caribbean.
If a draft resolution submitted by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas seeking non-member state status goes to the United Nations on Thursday, Guyana and Suriname, like…