Magistrate Linda Virgill ruled on Friday that based on the evidence presented by the requesting state in the extradition hearing of Dwight and Keva Major,…
The global economy, after being battered by recession, terrorist attacks and war, should grow strongly this year and next.
Former prime minister Hubert Ingraham last night raised hopes among his supporters that he is considering a political comeback.
Hydro Bahamas is proposing an initial contract with the Water & Sewerage Corp. for a guaranteed minimum of 10 million gallons of fresh water per…
Tourism survey reveals downtown businesses suffered 55% drop.
The Bahamas embassy staff in Haiti was ordered back to Nassau ‘at once’ after a telephone threat to the vice-consul’s family, Foreign Affairs Minister Fred…
A group of men marched down the centre of Bay Street yesterday afternoon to demand that extradition proceedings for convicted drug offender Samuel ‘Ninety’ Knowles…
Cordell Farrington was charged on Tuesday in the Supreme Court with the murders of four missing schoolboys and an adult male.
Already possessing the necessary US federal permits, AES and Tractebel now only require approval from the Bahamian government for their projects to go ahead.