Allan Russell, captain of the Sea Hauler, was yesterday sentenced to two years in prison and fined $100,000 after losing his fight to have a…
Prime Minister Christie returned from his10-day trip last night, announcing the start of negotiations for a $1 billion tourism investment on the Cable Beach strip.
Legalized gambling in the Bahamas has led to more prostitution and higher suicide rates, visiting Bahamian churchman Dr. Myles Munroe told the Bermuda Sun this…
The fishing controversy involving Korean investors was re-ignited in parliament this morning one day after the Bahamian businessman involved in the fiasco insisted that the…
Some pundits are saying that Prime Minister Christieᄡs administration is being undermined from within.
I’m going fishing,” Earlin Williams said as controversy continues to swirl around 15 Korean-manufactured fishing boats and a mother ship presently ”in the possession” of…
It appears that there seems to be a rush to establish a Liquefied Natural Gas plant in The Bahamas.
The Bahamas did not enter into a Tax Information Exchange Agreement (TIEA) with the US in order to receive a concession on convention taxes but…
According to Agriculture and Fisheries Minister Alfred Gray, his deputy director, Edison Deleveaux, made an ‘error of judgment’ in issuing a permit for the 15…