A strike by the BHCAAWU would cause serious and immediate damage to an already struggling economy and would gamble with the future of all Bahamians
Over the past 7-8 months since I’ve lived here, I’ve read a dozen or more articles in your Business Section about frauds and other illegal…
The Ministry of Tourism is next week expected to “re-launch” the image of The Bahamas with the creation of a new advertising campaign, said the…
If the current industrial unrest continues into the Christmas season, The Bahamas would be effectively ‘shooting itself in the foot’, according to BECon president Brian…
The Tenders Commission announced that the exclusivity period for negotiations with BlueTel for the 49 per cent share in Bahamas Telecommunications Company has been extended…
We need to be very vigilant if we are to preserve this country for the future inhabitants by that I mean our children.’
Foreigners will not be allowed to be involved in the fishing business – period said the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Local Government, V. Alfred…
If management does not come to the bargaining table and present Sun International employees with a satisfactory agreement, they will not hesitate to take strike…
Fisherman all over the Bahamas are bracing themselves for a nationwide protest if the Korean boat controversy in Andros is not satisfactorily resolved, it was…