The Constitutional Reform Commission on Monday began its public education campaign with the launching of a booklet,The Bahamas Constitution: Options for Change.
Mirant Corp, the Atlanta-based energy company that owns 50 per cent of Grand Bahama Power, said Monday that its Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing would not…
Bishop Samuel Green last night came under renewed pressure to resign as head of the Bahamas Christian Council following his controversial threat to blow up…
Monday’s deadline for the selection of a new “strategic partner” for the Bahamas Telecommunications Company has been extended to September 12.
Bar Associations in both countries are involved in challenging laws they say breach the right of lawyer-client confidentiality.
The economist who wrote the recently-released tourism task force report has responded to criticism that the report “missed the mark” in its analysis of a…
The Bar Association is supporting an action filed by independent attorneys Maurice Glinton and Leandra Esfakis in December, 2001.
Researchers tested which health and pornography sites the different filters blocked — or allowed — depending on how software controls were set.
This is the first research to document how fiber-optic cables continue to damage reef structures long after their initial installation.