Maybe we don’t need a Ministry of Tourism as presently constituted, just as we don’t need ZNS, Bahamasair and other government controlled entities, as presently…
Juanita Carey manager of Festival Place said that things have been going very well although she admits that a few things need to be fine…
U.S. officials have been keeping their eyes on Cable Bahamas for alleged copyright violations regarding reproduced American made material on cable channels here.
The convention, under the theme, “The Way Forward – United and Ignited,” marks the party’s first since last year’s May 2 general election.
This is not a communist country and the media are not all government owned. The public has the right to be informed.
The purchase price obligations will be satisfied by the issuance of 1,909,198 common shares of Persona Inc. from treasury.
Despite plotting and divisions within controlling clan, secretive spirits firm prepares float
According to Keith Wisdom, Cable Bahamas' public relations manager, the company's practices are consistent with the existing Copyright Act.
BEC says faulty units fixed