U.S. Government goes after people believed hiding income offshore
“I would say that more than ever, the country’s financial services broadly, would represent a very strong second industry to our economy”
The US has too many problems with drugs and crimes for Mr. Blankenship to throw stones, says Dupuch.
Smith said that realization of the government’s ‘digital agenda’ would permit The Bahamas to participate actively in the global economy.
President Ray Winder said the appointment of Mr. Simon is a continuation of the commitment of the board to increasing the effectiveness and visibility of…
The Bahamian public/electorate no longer remains passive participants on the sidelines of governance.
PLP is a “feel good, sound good, and talk good” administration, harbouring the mistaken notion that E-commerce was an “industry unto itself” says Senator McCartney
“…the report is ready and it will be available and perhaps presented at the next sitting, but not today,” said Wisdom.
“It is superficial to publish commentaries without doing proper research,” he said of Andrew Allen