Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham pushed through a major training initiative for scores of Bahamians to the tune of $8 million overall during his recent visit…
Roadside vendors who hawk their wares to drivers passing on East Street South and other corridors in the New Providence Road Improvement Project (NPRIP) are…
The road works currently underway on East Street south (from the Robinson Road junction to Soldier Road) are a part of the New Providence Road…
Robinson Road to Soldier Road beginning from the intersection at Grace Avenue and Old Trail Road will be closed as of November 22 to facilitate…
As a result of negotiations between Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham and the Chinese, Bahamian contracts in connection with the Baha Mar project will increase from…
The value of construction works to be subcontracted to Bahamians has been doubled from $200 million to $400 million, creating thousands more jobs for Bahamian…
The $2.6 billion Cable Beach Baha Mar project is hanging in the balance as the government waits to see if the Chinese will agree to…
Coral Harbour South Home Owners Association has announced its victory in the battle to save the Pink Walls of Coral Harbour from destruction by developer…
Road works are currently underway on Robinson Road. The first phase of the road works for Robinson Road began at the Claridge and Robinson Road…