Two more accused murderers are free to kill again, highlighting the incompetence at the Attorney General’s office and the ignorance and bias of Bahamian juries…
Prime Minister Perry Christie is getting set to repay the mafia kingpins who run the illegal numbers racket for their generous contributions to his campaign.
Numbers kingpins in Belize sold a national lottery on the basis that it would solve the country’s economic problems, but like so many states in…
A group calling itself the ”We Care Coalition” who are now openly advocating for the decriminalisation of gambling in The Bahamas are brazenly pitting themselves…
Showing the hypocrisy of The Bahamas’ claim to be a “Christian” nation, the government quietly submitted a report to the United Nations saying that it…
The Turks & Caicos Islands have passed an election and campaign reform law that will help make the political process more transparent, something The Bahamas…
The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Miami reports that two Bahamian men have pleaded guilty to attempted alien smuggling after they were caught trying to smuggle…
Pastor Cedric Moss of Kingdom Life Church accused the Christie administration of lacking the leadership and courage to shut down illegal web shops.
If Mr Christie were sincere about women’s rights, he would hold a referendum to correct the discrimination against women in our flawed consitution, BEFORE he…