Police Commissioner Greenslade stated that officers found guilty of brutality will be reprimanded but this is difficult to believe only days after a healthy young…
Bahamas Supermarkets Limited, the former parent company of defunct City Market supermarket chain, is facing legal action from the Royal Bahamas Police Staff for non-payment.
Deputy Prime Minister reported that over 40 police officers have been involved in direct community policing in New Providence under Urban Renewal 2.0 – which…
Police Commissioner Ellison Greesnslade was blasted on a local blog for essentially protecting the boat captain responsible for the deaths of at least 11 Haitians…
Bahamians are demanding answers from the police after another prisoner died while being “questioned” by Central Detective Unit officers.
Prime Minister Christie said the government has launched a police-led programme that will “blanket” communities where people are undergoing many challenges.
A group of 44 students was officially inducted into the Royal Bahamas Defence Force Rangers programme during an installation ceremony, at the Marsh Harbour Port…
A young police officer’s failure to adhere to rules has left him in hospital after he was shot in the neck with his own gun…
The government is reinstating the Urban Renewal programme to foster a beneficial and effective relationship between the police and the community.